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An Affiliate is a user who will share a link that leads to a section of your site (Offer, Checkout, Pipeline Page) and ultimately take a percentage of the profit made off of anyone who clicks on that Share Link and completes a purchase on your site.

The Affiliate User will present a Share Link to their audience through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.

The Affiliate User will take a percentage of each sale made from anyone who clicks on that Share Link and completes a purchase on your site within 30 days and using the same browser.

How the Affiliate Program works؟

We will create Share links for our Affiliate Users to share with their audiences. These Share Links will place a cookie on the prospective customer's browser for 30 days. As long as the customer purchases from your site using the same browser and the purchases are made within those 30 days, the transaction will be counted as an Affiliate transaction.


The Affiliate Dashboard shows an overview of how your Affiliates are performing.
Form Submissions: The number of opt-ins tracked through your Affiliate Share Links.
Conversions: The number of purchases tracked through all of your Affiliate Share Links.
Conversion Rate: Overall clicks divided by overall conversions.
Below the Affiliate statistics, you will find your Affiliate Sign up Link and Affiliate Login Link.

The Transactions section in your Affiliate dashboard will display all the transactions credited to an Affiliate User.

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